School Service
Express Therapy is committed to providing integrated and inclusive services within schools. We offer comprehensive In-school therapy services to support children with Special Education Needs (SEN). Our highly trained Therapists work closely with school staff in facilitating interventions, supporting teachers and students with SEN. In-school therapy offers several benefits that can significantly impact students’ well-being, therapy outcomes, and academic success. Other benefits include:

Early Intervention
Problems can be identified and addressed early, preventing more serious issues from developing.

Students have easier access to therapeutic services without needing to leave the school premises, reducing barriers such as transportation and scheduling conflicts.

Reduced Barrier
Having therapy available within the school setting can help normalize and encourage inclusive education, reducing the stigma often associated with additional educational needs

Supportive Environment
School therapists can work closely with teachers and staff to create a supportive environment tailored to each student’s needs.

Crisis Management
Immediate access to a therapist during an emergency can provide timely support and intervention, helping to de-escalate situations quickly.

Social Skills Development
Therapy can help students develop better social skills, improving peer relationships and overall school experience.
Overall, in-school therapy plays a crucial role in supporting students’ speech, language and communication needs, enhancing their educational experience, and fostering a healthier school community.